The Wild Buffoon
The Wild Buffoon

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Heartbreaker Delight

A local man, age 24, admits to falling in love with three different girls in three weeks. Pete Jamesfield of Salt Lake City, Utah claims he is quite the mess these days. “All these ladies I’ve met in the last three weeks or so are marriage material. I wouldn’t hesitate buying any one of them a ring… at ANY time,” he states. Recently admitting to a small problem with the second love of three weeks, Pete claims “She has this dog, and that little rascal is always there, I can’t seem to get rid of her, it’s like a package deal but I can always fall back on one of my other loves when things go awry – and that’s the beauty in this predicament I’ve gotten myself into!”

This certain love-triangle all started on the first day he met each of them. The first week he met Laverne (the first), he kept parading about and telling all of his friends, “I’m going to marry this girl, I love her.” Malory (the second) weirdly received the same treatment after the first two days he met her. “She was just as amazing as the first, no more or no less” he states. His friends believe he doesn’t want to have favorites so he keeps them all at the same “unconditional love level”.

He talked the most about Karen in the interview, she was the one that he recently met and was pondering the thought of a great proposal. “I just met her yesterday and she is amazing. She won’t stop calling. I got worried when she didn’t call me during lunch, but I got a text instead, and that is fine by me! I want the perfect proposal, maybe send her to the spa all day, get her nice and relaxed, in a good mood and then BOOM I get down on my knee, and hope she says yes. She will be a huge part of my life; I’m willing to give her a full third of it!”


Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like "D" is jelous that his buddy is getting all the girls and he is left at home each night with his right hand (AKA JILL)....pimpin aint easy my frind...dont hate the player hate tha game! peace

Anonymous said...

Interestingly enough, there is a guy I work with, Paul Jenson, who is the exact same way!

-Danielle G

NickG said...

take it easy Pete Jamesfield, this blog is not here to cause animosty between anyone....its simply here for humor & the truth.

Anonymous said...

Making Love Out Of Nothing At All - Air Supply
I know just how to whisper, and I know just how to cry;
I know just where to find the answers; and I know just how to lie.
I know just how to fake it, and I know just how to scheme;
I know just when to face the truth, and then I know just when to dream.

D said...

It's just another meaningless story I thought would be funny. Sorry for offending Dr. Serious.

Oh and yes, I am a very jealous person.
